Am finally done with the OT challenge hosted by Bethany. This was my first ever reading challenges and I completely enjoyed it!! If not for this challenge, I would have probably never read books from so many different countries :)
Here's the list of my 9 books with the links to the reviews -
Here's the representation of the countries covered above
Bethany also has a small survey hosted, as part of the OT challenge round up -
Orbis Terrarum 2008 Challenge survey:
1.) What did you like about the challenge?
I loved the concept of reading different authors from different countries. I would have never picked up books from so many different countries, becoz I am quite choosy when it comes to reading books...
2.) What would you like to see change for next year?
Nothing! Love the way it is..
3.) About the rules, or the non-existent rules...did you like that?
I think too many rules make it more un-interesting. I liked the basic rules defined here and hte flexibility to change the list anytime during the year
4.) Are you going to join us next year?
Yup! Waiting to join..
5.) Pretty please give me any suggestions for changes, the betterment of the challenge, or just anything that you would like to see changed for next year.
Keeping the rules as it was during this year, and a suggestion of few books/countries for the next year would be a great idea!
6.) Would you like the challenge to be more involved? What if we read books together sometimes? Would that interest you?
I probably wouldnt go for this coz of my busy schedule...I usually tend to read whenever I manage to squeeze time out of my work..
7.) would you be interested in helping somehow next year? How would you like to help?
By blogging about the challenge so that more readers get acquainted to it :)